
GLF Connect Scholarship

Share the GLF experience.
Pay it forward

GLF Connect Scholarship

As a member of the Alumni, you know how the Governor’s Leadership Foundation (GLF) program can be a positive and transformational experience.

However, not everyone has the resources available to participate in GLF.

That’s why, in 2018, the GLF participants developed an inspiring idea. The cohort pooled their collective funds to pay for an individual to participate in the following year’s intake, someone who may otherwise not have been able to afford the experience.

In 2023 the concept of an ongoing GLF Connect scholarship was presented to Alumni members and was received positively.

So, honouring the example set by previous GLF cohorts since, the Leaders Institute has now established the GLF Connect Scholarship.

This enduring scholarship has been created to raise enough money to sponsor at least one new participant in the GLF each year. If additional funds remain then this amount will be accumulated and used to pay for future scholarships or multiple scholarships in the same year.

Scholarship recipients must meet all application requirements for the GLF Program. Suitable scholarship recipient candidates will be selected and then approved by the elected GLF Alumni representatives on the Leaders Institute of SA Board.

The scholarship fundraising progress and the successful scholarship recipient will be announced via the GLF Connect website page and social media. This means that Alumni members will see the impact of your support.

Formal financial and impact reports on the GLF Connect Scholarship Fund will be made available to all GLF Alumni members via the Leaders Institute’s Annual General Meeting.

All members of GLF Alumni are invited to contribute and your donation is tax deductible.

The GLF Connect Scholarship is an opportunity for GLF Alumni to leave a legacy by enabling others to participate – it’s our way of paying it forward.