
GLF Connect Alumni - Staying Connected

Your brilliant career

Ways to build fulfilment, passion and giving back into your work-life journey

Thank you to all who joined your fellow Alumni in the beautiful setting of Carclew in North Adelaide for this lively panel that unpacked crafting a ‘brilliant career’.

Fresh from ‘mad-March’ this session drew on the experiences of Arts Alumni Mimi Crowe (Carclew) and Jo O'Callaghan (Adelaide Fringe), experienced Board Chairs, Kathryn House AM (Impact 100) and Michael Brown (Lolly Jar Circus) and we invited back Andrew Reed (Hender Consulting) and Alexandrea Cannon OAM (Governance Masterclass) to consider what giving back and pursuing our passions in different stages of our career might look like and why it is important.

What did Alumni like about this event?

"Venue, Speakers, Vibe"
"The open and honest conversation from the panelists, they were passionate and had awesome stories to tell!"
"Questions to the panel were good. Great mix of information and time for networking. Doing something outside of the city was a refreshing change."
"The calibre of the panel, their different experiences and perspectives."

We are grateful to the following sponsors who support GLF Connect events.

Thank to Carclew for providing this beautiful venue for us!

Pernod Ricard Winemakers
Hender Consulting
Community Bridging Services